Environmental quality standard for the livestock and poultry farm 畜禽场环境质量标准
Environmental quality standards for surface water 地表水环境质量标准
Environmental quality standard for soils 土壤环境质量标准
By the end of 2000 , 47 major cities meet the state ' s air and water environmental quality standards 到2000年底, 47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准。
The soil self - purification , the influencing and determinate factors of the soil environmental capacity , and its application in controlling the area gross pollutants , constituting the soil - environmental quality standards , the irrigation water quality standards and the contaminative mud standards in farmland were discussed 论述土壤自净作用,土壤环境容量影响和确定因素,土壤环境容量在区域污染物的总量控制、土壤环境质量的标准的制定、农田灌溉水质标准、污泥农田施用标准等方面的应用。
The cdee is a fine circle state which comes into being as environmental system , economic system and all factors of each system cooperate and couple with each other , and its realistic indicator is that while the economy keeps developing sustainably and suitably , the environmental quality of each function area should come up to its environmental quality standards , and ecological environment should be protected or improved gradually 环境与经济协调发展,是指环境系统、经济系统及各系统内部各要素间相互配合与协作而耦合成的良性循环态势,其现实标志是经济持续适度发展的同时,各环境功能区能保持相应的环境质量标准,生态环境能得到保护或不断改善。